The Family Disciple Me Podcast // Discipleship Starts With a Conversation

Happy Birthday Family Disciple Me // A Special Birthday Request

Tosha Williams for FDM Season 5 Episode 10

A small volunteer ministry can make a huge impact when we partner together in the journey. As we celebrate the seventh birthday of Family Disciple Me, we invite you to be part of something truly transformative. We’re on a mission to empower everyday Christians to fulfill the Great Commission through Devotion Driven Discipleship™, and we've got exciting plans for the future, including a brand new app that will revolutionize our ministry. Join us as we discuss how your support, whether through a one-time gift or a monthly commitment, can help FDM take bold steps into 2025, ensuring our mission continues to thrive.

While passion and dedication drive us, resources are crucial to keep this ministry growing. Your tax-deductible donations will enable us to finish strong in 2024 and prepare for what's next. Be part of journey with us by visiting our giving page and making a contribution that aligns with what God puts on your heart. Celebrate with us, and explore how together, we can continue making a profound impact in the lives of many.


The Family Disciple Me ministry exists to catalyze devotion driven discipleship in our homes and around the world. We believe that discipleship starts with a conversation, and FDM provides free, easily-accessible, biblical resources to encourage these meaningful conversations along life's way. Sign up through our website to be "the first to know" about upcoming releases and resources (including the FDM App - coming soon!!!) You can also follow Family Disciple Me on social media.

Family Disciple Me is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit ministry, and all donations are tax deductible. More information, blogs, statement of faith and contact info can be found at

Speaker 0:

This week, as we celebrate birthday number seven for the Family Disciple Me ministry, I have a very special request to ask you to pray about and consider. We're a volunteer ministry, but it takes money to run the wheels and turn the lights on. Would you consider a financial donation to the Family Disciple Me ministry as we finish this final quarter of the year? Maybe you can give a one-time gift or perhaps you could become one of our monthly supporters. Whatever it is that God lays on your heart, would you consider that as we close the books on 2024? We're currently in the process of developing our budget for 2025, and we're waiting on the Lord to provide direction, to provide the resources through His people, to open doors and well, to help us finish creating and deploying this app. We're so excited about that. We invite you to be a part of this mission with us.

Speaker 0:

All of us investing what we can into this project is going to make a world of difference. We believe God has called this ministry to catalyze common Christians like us to fulfill the Great Commission through devotion-driven discipleship. Will you invest in this with us? We invite your partnership into this ministry. So thank you for prayerfully considering this. There's a link in the show notes to the Family Disciple Me giving page, which can be found at familydisciplemeorg. Forward slash donate. Family Disciple Me is a 501c3 nonprofit and all donations are tax deductible. Thank you in advance for your willingness to be used by God in this ministry. Happy birthday, family DiscipleMe.